Excel Eğitimleri

Excel Seviye Tespit Sınavı

Honda Excel Sınavı (Eng) sınavına hoşgeldiniz.

1. Which function is used to check multiple conditions?

2. What is the correct formula to calculate the percentage difference between two columns?

3. Which Excel function is used to convert text in a cell to uppercase?

4. Which formula is used to count the repeated values in a column in Excel?

5. Which function is used to extract the year from a date value in a cell?

6. Which formula is used to calculate the average of a column and limit the result to two decimal places?

7. Which formula is used to calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a column?

8. Which function is used to find the number of cells that meet a specific condition?

9. Which formula is used to check if a value in a cell falls within a specific range?

10. Which function is used to find the position of a specific substring within a text?

11. What is the shortcut key used to write a simple VBA macro in Excel?

12. Which function is used to find the 3rd largest number within a specific range?

13. Which function converts the date in cell A1 from "16.05.2025" to the format "16 May 2025 Friday"?

14. In a VBA macro in Excel, which command is used to display a message box?

15. Assuming you are in cell A1, which shortcut selects the entire table under any condition?

16. Which formula calculates the average unit cost (the average amount paid per kWh) considering the total electricity bills (Column A) and the electricity usage (Column B) for three months?

17. Which formula calculates a student's weighted grade point average given their grades (Column A) and the corresponding credits for each course (Column B)?

18. What is the most important thing to consider when writing a conditional formatting formula?

19. Which of the following is not an Excel function?

20. Which of the following cannot be used in the Logical Test parameter of the IF function?